High-Precision Manufacturing
We handle both large and small orders with short lead times while maintaining consistently high quality. With the multitude of our facilities and their applications, we can always select the perfect machine for each job. Sheets and tubes, delicate as well as several meters large components, can be cut, drilled, welded, and engraved with accuracy down to a few micrometers.
We process a wide range of materials, including:
- Steels
- Aluminum
- Non-ferrous metals
- Titanium
- Plastics
- Ceramics...
We are happy to advise you on selecting the right material from our inventory, but we also work with materials provided by you.
Manufacturing Processes
Laser material processing for 2D and 3D sheet metal parts as well as for tubes is carried out using solid-state and CO2 laser systems.

From chamfering laser cuts and thread tapping to sheet metal straightening and CNC bending, MeKo offers a variety of post-processing options.
MeKo specializes in laser material processing and machining. To provide our customers with a wide range of components with extensive manufacturing depth, we collaborate with subcontractors from various manufacturing areas, such as turning, milling, water jet cutting, painting (powder coating, wet painting), hardening, surface finishing (galvanizing, blackening, QPQ, anodizing...).